StocktonGage Limited, Inc.
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StocktonGage Ltd.
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Order and Delivery Policy
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Warranty - StocktonGage Limited warrants their products for up to one year for defects in workmanship and materials. This warranty does not apply to cracks which naturally appear when exposed to the elements, damage resulting from misuse, accidents, vandalism, alterations, abuse or normal wear.

Pricing and Orders - Prices are F.O.B. Dallas, Texas. Prices do not include freight, packing, handling or cargo insurance. All prices are subject to change without prior notification. Please confirm prices when orders are made. A minimum order of $2,000 is required to open an account. Future orders require a 20% down payment. Orders can be placed via mail, telephone or fax by an authorized representative. Orders placed via telephone must be confirmed in writing. Commercial and institutional orders must be confirmed in writing on an official purchase order or on business letterhead. Please include item numbers, product description and quantities. Billing and shipment addresses are also required. Please note that all dimensions are approximate and we reserve the right to adjust specifications without prior notice.

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